
General Resources

BerkeleyGW 2.1 manual: html

BerkeleyGW 1.2 manual: html

BerkeleyGW implementation paper: arxiv:111.4429

M. Hybersten and S. Louie's paper on the ab initio GW method: Phys. Rev. B 34, 5390 (1986)

M. Rohlfing and S. Louie's paper on the ab initio BSE method: Phys. Rev. B 62, 4927 (2000)

Paratec's manual: html (see also PARATEC section in BerkeleyGW manual)

FAQs with common answers to problems: FAQ

Workshop quiz

Workshop survey form


Workshop Tutorial Files

All input and output files used during the BerkeleyGW 2018 Workshop were published to Materials Data Facility. You will need a Globus account to access the files (total size is 22GB): link